As a foreign student to the US during my senior year, I experienced how easy it was to cross borders and reach out to other nationalities, expanding myself to different religions, traditions and visions and realising soon that the heartbeat of all human beings is the same. Due to specific language, psychological and pedagogical training and skills, with a diploma in education -  it was my purpose to

  • Teach young immigrants in Munich for over two decades in all school subjects
  • Develop new educational materials for young immigrants
  • Hold a management position at an elementary school in Munich
  • Initiate and organise together with the Lutheran Student Community a Round Table for the three opponents of the Yugoslavian War, represented by private people in Munich
  • Initiate and manage together with three friends an international project for tolerance with 26 well known artists – ART FOR ENCOUNTER – MEETING STRANGERS IS MEETING YOURSELF in cooperation with the GOETHE INSTITUTE

Ending my school career (after falling ill with Lyme´s disease resulting in a yearlong stay at hospitals) I was inspired to focus deeply on shaman healing techniques. I studied with the spiritual masters Starr Fuentes, Hot Springs, USA www.starrfuentes.com and Selena Rodriguez Hollywood, USA www.selenarodriguez.net. Since 1999. Together with friends I founded in 2002 a non-profit-association for research on the electromagnetic field, which I headed as president until 2012. The Starr Fuentes School which I represented in Europe for six years, combines universal wisdom, metaphysics, shaman techniques  with modern research on quantum physics.

The experiences in this field prepared me for a clear transition from shaman energy techniques to work with brain power alone and higher frequencies.


Today I work internationally as coach for personal and business relationships and I teach a broad spectrum of workshops based on psychology, modern social studies and ethics by using speaking and writing processes. I see myself as a catalyst supporting clients and students to raise their consciousness and to deepen their relationship by taking on their responsibility - TO FIND AND LIVE THEIR TRUE SELF AND SERVING MANKIND.


Since 2008 I study the KNOWLEDGE BOOK in a universal program which works through me, accelerating and culminating my development. These regular and intense studies of universal truth and universal laws transform me to reflect logic, reason, consciousness, tolerance and peace also in my profession and daily practice.





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